
Teams Bundle (NZ)

  • A bundle of templates for natural health practitioners in NZ who hire employees and/or contractors in their business
  • Includes :
    • Employee Agreement
    • Independent Contractor Agreement
  • Bundled together so you SAVE!
  • Drafted in plain English by New Zealand lawyers


What does the bundle include?

  • Employee Agreement - Sets out the terms and conditions upon which the owner of a business engages an employee to work in their business
  • Independent Contractor Agreement – Sets out the terms and conditions upon which the business owner (referred to as the “principal”) engages a service entity (the “contractor”) to provide services to the business.


Who is this bundle suitable for?

Suitable for natural medicine practitioners and similar who are hiring staff either as employees or independent contractors.

Do I need these documents?

Yes. If you are hiring staff, it is important you have agreements in place to outline the terms of engagement. It is important to know the difference between an employee and a contractor and that you choose the appropriate arrangement.

What do I do once these templates are completed?

Once completed, you provide a copy to the employee or contractor you are hiring/engaging. Once in agreed form, both parties execute the agreement.


Please note that using our online services and templates doesn’t constitute legal advice and doesn’t create a lawyer-client relationship between you and Legally Healthy.

If you have questions about the template and whether it fits your specific needs or need legal advice, feel free to book in a free consultation.

The information offered on should be considered informational only and is NOT LEGAL ADVICE.


Can I use the templates in this bundle if I live outside of New Zealand?

The templates in this bundle adhere to New Zealand law and are therefore suitable for those doing business in  New Zealand. While similar principles may apply in your jurisdiction, please consult with a lawyer qualified in your jurisdiction.

Are these templates legally binding?

Yes. They are drafted by qualified New Zealand lawyers and are legally binding.

What file format do the templates come in?


How do I complete the templates?

All our templates come with instructions on how to complete them. You complete the highlighted text in the template in order to personalise to suit your business needs, then you save, delete any explanatory comments in the template, remove any remaining highlight and you are ready to use it. Feel free to add your branding and logo. We think your legals should fit seamlessly into  your business branding.

How long does will it take to complete all the templates?

Approx. 20-45 mins.

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